Applicants Notified of Panel Assessment Outcome

Disk, Envelope, Mail

Notification of Panel Assessment Outcome

After the assessment process concludes, all applicants will be notified by email.  

For pools, applicants who are assessed as Suitable are added to the recruitment pool and will receive email notifications.

If your application is not deemed suitable, you will also receive an email notification.

Seeking Feedback

Your notification letter will provide details on whom you can contact for feedback regarding your application or the selection process, should you wish to seek further information.

Breach Period

All recruitments are subject to a breach period in accordance with the Western Australian public sector regulations. Your notification letter will outline the procedure if you believe that the minimum Standards of merit, equity and probity were not complied with during the assessment process.   

Six Column Layout

Step 1

Online Application

Online Application

Step 2

Application Review

Application Review by Selection Panel

Step 3

Referee Checks

Referee Checks Undertaken

Step 4

Applicants Notified

Applicants Notified of Panel Assessment Outcome

Step 5



Step 6

Next Steps

Next Steps